Florida Divorce and Family Law Attorney
New Horizons Law Practice Areas
Need a Divorce Lawyer – Let New Horizons Law Help you get Back on Track!
In life we have many choices to make. Sometimes these choices take us down paths that may bring us sorrow, despair, confusion, and regret. Sometimes these decisions are by our choosing; sometimes they are forced upon us. Divorce can be forced upon you. Child Custody issues can be forced upon you. Regardless, these decisions can be the most stressful decisions you will make in life. New Horizons Law is a Professional Association that endeavors to understand the unique needs and concerns of our divorce and family law clients so that we can better serve your interests and the interests of your loved ones. When facing a divorce or other family crisis do not make these decisions without consulting an attorney.
My primary goal is to help you get your life back on track, to counsel you so that you can avoid the courtroom environment, but to protect you and be there to secure your rights in a court of law if need be. If you have a family related legal problem, we can help.
Divorce and Paternity issues are the most common of the family law issues, and are generally based upon the breakdown of a relationship. It then becomes clear that after the breakdown that you must legally establish your wishes, desires, and needs. This must be done so that you, the other person in the relationship, your children, and possibly extended family members, can go on with some certainty that there will be something to reduce the chaos of the unknown and provide stability going forward.
Florida Divorce and Family Law is not easy, and has difficult rules and procedures. Do not do it alone. I always offer a free consultation. There is no better way than sitting down face-to-face with me to learn what your rights are, and to get what you deserve, whether it is helping you get the correct amount of alimony, your share of the marital property or the proper rights with your children.
Trust an Experienced Divorce Attorney/Divorce Lawyer to Handle Your Divorce, Paternity or other Family Law Issues.
If you are reading this, I am sure you know someone, a friend, or family member that has a horror story regarding their own experience. Florida’s family laws, rules, and procedures are confusing and complex. That is why you should always consult an attorney that practices Divorces and Family Law and nothing else. Someone like myself. I do not practice criminal law or elder law, or many other types of law. I am Florida Divorce and Family Law attorney that understands the laws intimately, because I handle family law matters on a regular basis. I will always listen compassionately and attentively to your needs and concerns, and provide you with the right family law advice for your particular case.